It's been almost 15 days since I've posted something. I
didn't get a job although I've been sending my CV to companies and every time I
received a decline letter I breathe a sigh of relief. I actually don't know what to write today,
would you like to hear about my two week symptoms? I don't think it's going to
help me get pregnant but this is what the blog is all about.
I'm on my 27th day since I had my first period and so far
so good. Good means I have constant high Body Basal Temperature (BBT). High is
37Celcius and it gets higher in the afternoon. Although today it dropped to
36.8C and I am praying it doesn't go any lower. Having a constant elevated BBT
means increase in progesterone. Progesterone is what maintains a healthy
pregnancy. Normally BBT increases around the time of ovulation and drops if AF
(aunt flo= period) is on the way. But before I get excited my BBT should stay
elevated for 18 days after ovulation. If my calculation is correct and if I really
ovulated on CD (cycle date) 17 then I still have 8 days left. It's too early to
get excited. My breasts are sore which is also symptom that AF is coming. I
thought it wasn't that sore but yesterday just to prove to myself that I'm not
imagining the pain, I jumped, and boy it sure is painful. There's also pain on
my left and right ovary which comes and goes. But there's no heightened sense
of smell this month which is weird because I really have a good nose. The past
few days are just like last month, emotionally draining. I still keep on
obsessing about it, I can't stop myself. Thank God for forums and support
groups and writing, it somehow eases the pain.
I'm still maintaining a positive attitude and I have my
faith to hold on to. Hopefully by next week I'll be posting an image of my very
first positive pregnancy test. Just thinking about it makes me smile, that's
something to look forward to.
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