Miyerkules, Mayo 9, 2012

Novena prayer to Saint Raymund Nonato

My mother in law gave me this novena prayer a month before I got pregnant. She recited this prayer when she was pregnant with my husband. I am sharing this to all of you because I know it helped me conceive:

Novena to St. Raymund Nonato, Protector of the Unborn Babies, Patron of Expectant Mothers and Fathers:

1st day:

My lord and my God, I humbly adore your infinite majesty, three persons in one God. I am thankful for the graces you have granted to the glorious St. Raymund. He willingly gave himself so that slaves and captives could have their freedom. His heroism was possible because you gave him the grace.

O St. Raymund, listen to my petitions and intercede before the throne of Jesus. You did not die at the womb of your dead mother and you lived to become a saint of the Lord. Listen then to my petition that my baby will come out healthy and grow to become a saint like you. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

2nd day:

My sweet Jesus, you cared for your servant St. Raymund by saving him from a certain death in the womb of his mother. You glorified him through his heroism and life as a beggar. You called this saint to a difficult life of saving the slaves and captives in the hands of the Muslims, a task which he did for your greater glory.

O dear St. Raymund, since childhood, you were close to God and you felt his presence anywhere. You knew you were called when you were still young and you sustained the interest on that calling by a life of prayer and meditation. Now in heaven, you sit at the lap of the most high and give him glory constantly. Intercede for me before Jesus that he may grant my petitions during this novena. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

3rd day:

O Mary most holy you are more of a mother than a queen. Though in your brief life on earth, you did not want special treatment from people, you want to treat your children in the most special manner. St. Raymund in the absence of her mother, called on you to be her mother and you protected him from the devil and his works.

O dear St. Raymund, your life of piety was marked by an intense dialogue with the Mother of God. She was your mother in the real sense of the word, as you looked at her for protection during your childhood days. We promise to be devotees of your Mother and we ask you to intercede for us before Jesus our petitions during this novena. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

4th day:

Lord, Jesus Christ you were disobedient to your Father and you defined your life as doing his will no matter what it costs. You want your servants to be as obedient as you are. Your servant, St. Raymund excelled in this obedience when after exhausting his money, he gave himself as a hostage to the Muslims in exchange for the freedom of certain slaves.

St. Raymund, teach us to be obedient to the Father's will. Teach us to accept our daily crosses. Guide us to the works of charity. Instill in us a holy fear and above all, a great love for God and our neighbors. Bring our petitions to the throne of Jesus. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

5th day:

Lord Jesus Christ, you told us that whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we do it unto you. Our entrance into your Kingdom will be determined by the way we serve the needy and the poor.

St. Raymund excelled in his service to others, allowing himself to become a slave in order to free as many captives as he could. He did not hesitate to spend his last treasure so that others may live. While he was honored a cardinal, he still spent his time on the streets begging for others.

St. Raymund, we are also beggars who beg your intercession so that the Lord may grant us our petitions for this novena. Intercede for us before the throne of the most High so that our petitions could be granted and we promise to help the poor and the needy the best way we can. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

6th day:

Lord Jesus Christ, you love purity and through the virginity of the Holy Mother, you blest all those who are faithful to a chaste life. St. Raymund was chaste and pure throughout his life. He offered himself to Mother Mary and made a solemn vow to imitate her in holy virginity.

Look on us with pity St. Raymund that we, too, may learn to be chaste by cleansing our minds and hearts of all impure things. Make us understand that impure thoughts become deadly once we entertain them. Help us then that we may not entertain impure thoughts and welcome only in our minds and hearts thoughts that edify our neighbors and make us closer to God. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

7th day:

Lord Jesus Christ, you did not deem equality with God as something to be looked up, but you emptied yourself and became one with us, a human being with all its imperfections, except sin. You lead us on the way of humility.

St. Raymund, you belonged to a rich and noble family. You considered your riches and nobility as garbage in comparison to what you had received as a religious. You only accepted the office of being a Cardinal because of obedience but soon after you received the honor, you went to the streets to be a beggar and beg to take care of the poor.

Lead us then to live humble existence, without reference to our positions and wealth, and see everything as a gift from God. Listen to our petitions, dear saint, and intercede for us before the throne of God who listens to you. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

8th day:

Lord Jesus Christ, you offered yourself to the Father and shed your blood to do his will. Your death is the crowning of your life totally dedicated to the Father.

O St. Raymund, you were tortured and nearly became a martyr. You survived the ordeal because your torturers wanted you more alive than dead for the ransom that they could get from you. But you were never afraid of dying and death for Jesus sake was something that you longed in your heart. Your eyes were fixed in heaven and life eternal.

Enlighten us always that reaching our eternal destiny may become our obsession. Inspire us to fix our gaze on things of heaven and never allow us to lose our sight of the things that will come. Let not the pleasures and comforts of this life suffocate our interest to join you in heaven. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

9th day:

Lord Jesus Christ, you sent your apostles to preach the gospel to all creation by words and deeds. You trusted weak human beings to carry your message across the earth and across time. You were not mistaken, for the Church is now all over the world. St. Raymund was a special apostle if his time, having converted even the Muslims to your cause.

O St. Raymund, give us the sense of urgency of sharing the good news to others as we ask you to intercede for us before Jesus. We also commit ourselves to follow in your steps as apostles who proclaim your message of salvation to the whole world. Bring out petitions to Jesus and we promise to be as zealous and sacrificing as you were, so that the good news may reach the far corners of the world. Amen.

(3) Hail Mary and (3) Glory be. St Raymund Nonato pray for us.

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